How to transport a ladder - safely.
Here at LFI, we know transporting your ladder can be difficult. From small step ladders to large extension ladders, generally speaking, you won’t be able to fit your ladder or steps in a regular car boot, or slide them in the back of your car with the seats down, unless you own an SUV, pickup truck, or van that is.
So for those that need an alternative, we have the perfect solution...
Place the ladder on the roof of your car using a roof rack and the LFI Roof Rack Ladder Clamps. Not only do these free up room inside your vehicle, but they also safely and securely transport your ladder without the risk of damage to your vehicle or ladder, whilst also reducing the risk of theft.
R&D Manager Graham Ridley says: “LFI Roof Rack Ladder Clamps have been designed to securely fit almost any ladder to your existing vehicle roof rack, in a quick and simple way while being highly durable. Weighing just 2kg per pair, the Roof Rack Ladder Clamps fit ladder sections up to 380mm wide and offer approximately 270mm of adjustment with the built-in threaded hook.”
But remember, however you transport your ladder, it's always important to properly secure your ladder to the vehicle before you start your journey - The risk of damage and safety to you and other road users isn’t one you should ever take under any circumstance. Stay safe. Always.
“LFI Roof Rack Ladder Clamps have been designed to securely fit almost any ladder to your existing vehicle roof rack, in a quick and simple way while being highly durable.”
Start by making sure your ladder is folded up correctly and any safety or locking mechanisms are properly engaged
Be careful when you're lifting your ladder onto the roof of your vehicle. Manoeuvre it into position can be tricky - if you need an extra pair of hands, ask for help. Always take a cautious approach and never try to tackle a two-person job by yourself
Secure the ladder with the LFI Roof Rack Ladder Clamps. If you haven’t purchased a pair yet, a solid alternative is to secure your ladder with ratchet straps or ropes/bungee cords, but we’d highly recommend using the Roof Rack Ladder Clamps
Once your journey has begun, be mindful to listen for noise - this may indicate you haven't secured the ladder correctly and it isn’t tight enough. At the earliest convenience, pull over in a safe spot and re-secure your ladder.
So, you’ve secured your ladder to your vehicle, what do you do next? You take a moment to check and measure whether the ladder extends beyond the front and/or rear of the vehicle. If you have an overhang that is too great, you may be breaking the law.
Overhanging at the back of the vehicle:
1 metre or less: no action required
Over 1 metre, but no more than 2 metres: you must make the end of the ladder clearly visible to other road users. You can do this by using a hi-vis vest or a suitable brightly coloured cloth
Over 2 metres, but no more than 3.05 metres: you must use rear and side marker boards to alert other road users to the overhang
Over 3.05 metres: as above, plus you must give the police 2 clear working days' notice before your journey. You will also need an attendant present.
Overhanging at the front of the vehicle:
2 metres or less: no action required
Over 2 metres, but no more than 3.05 metres: you must use marker boards to alert other road users to the overhang, plus you will need an attendant present
Over 3.05 metres: as above, plus you must give the police 2 clear working days' notice before your journey.
This article is intended for guidance only. The reader assumes all responsibility for their actions whilst following these guidelines. For more information or to purchase the LFI Roof Rack Ladder Clamps, please email our sales team.