LFI UK Ladder Manufacturer

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New brand. New website. New products.

Our British manufactured access equipment range just got a new brand, new website, new catalogue, and new products.

Managing Director, Ben Walker says: “It’s exciting times for LFI. We are well known as a long-standing premium supplier of strong, dependable products in the construction industry. Our new branding is helping us to target some new markets as we enjoy a healthy start to the year so far.”

As LFI move into new markets with its updated branding it presented the perfect opportunity to offer customers and end-users a clear route to selecting the right product. As the changes to EN131 (the standard that governs the design, strength, and testing of ladders and steps in the UK and Europe) have now taken hold, the need to offer clarity on durability and user expectations has enabled LFI to segment its range to do just that, a first in the marketplace.


A PRo product for the discerning user.